
If you're ready to start living by your own rules and blaze your own path to success and fulfillment, this blog has been created for you!

Enjoy the articles here, and for even more on these subjects (wealth and abundance, career and personal development, health and wellbeing, etc...basically, living a fantastic life on YOUR terms), visit:


Recommended Reading

For those interested in a list of goals similar to my own, here is a list of books I am currently reading or have received much value from recently. You will find descriptions, reviews, and new and used copies available by clicking the links:

Wealth and Wealth Mentality:

The Rules of Money by Richard Templar

Why We Want You to Be Rich by Donald Trump & Robert Kiyosaki

Rule #1 (Investing) by Phil Town

Wealth Beyond Reason by Bob Doyle

Accept Your Abundance by Randy Gage

Cracking the Millionaire Code by Mark Victor Hansen & Robert G. Allen

Happiness, Satisfaction, Creation, Personal Growth:

The Power of Intention by Wayne Dyer

A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire by Deepak Chopra


The New York Body Plan by David Kirsch

Body For Life by Bill Phillips

Muscle Meals by John Romano



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